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We reserve the right to modify these conditions at any time by updating this document. You are advised to visit this page from time to time to take note of the updated conditions.
Ownership and editorial responsibility :

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Racoon Factory

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Article 1. Intellectual property, any representation or reproduction of all or part of the website without the consent of the author is unlawful. The same applies to translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by any art or process whatsoever.

The texts, graphics, photos and their presentation and assembly appearing on this site are the exclusive property of and the authors concerned unless otherwise indicated. They constitute works and are protected as such by the rules, international treaties and laws relating to intellectual property. The use of the information contained on this site is the sole responsibility of the user.

The works and creations presented on the site are :

  • Photos, illustrations and personal projects by Ms BOURSIN Léa
  • Photos, illustrations and personal projects by M. POLIXENE Thomas

Article 2. Users of undertake not to:

  • Use or query « » on behalf of or for the benefit of others
  • Reproduce in large numbers, for commercial or non-commercial purposes, information or advertisements on the site
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